Network meeting 2023
Let the Network meeting begin
Characterized by motivated young people and exciting IT topics, the network meeting is the annual highlight of the training program. To this end, the trainees from all locations of the training cooperation come together every year to network and celebrate the winner of the IT theme of the year at the end of the day.
The trainees are given the task of finding a forward-looking IT topic in groups, preparing it and presenting it at their location. An expert jury consisting of trainers from the various companies then nominated the 5 most innovative and interesting contributions for the network meeting. The groups nominated in advance can then present their topic to an expert audience at the network meeting itself. At the end of the day, the winner will be honored with the "DXC Academy Apprenticeship Awards" and the networking event will come to an end with good conversation and a delicious meal.
Topics of the year 2023
Quo vadis
Deep Fake
No Code/Low Code
Green IT
This year with a view of the skyline
The location of the network meeting changes from year to year, so that each location gets a turn. This year, the network meeting took place in Frankfurt, where the OutOfOffice offered a beautiful view of the Frankfurt skyline. In addition to the trainees from the location in the Rhein-Main region, the other trainees from the Hamburg and Cologne/Bonn locations also traveled to the event.
And the winner is....
Of course, our jury also took a close look at the presentations this year and chose the following entry as the winner:
"Quo vadis Softwaredevelopment?"
The "Academy Apprenticeship Awards" therefore went to Cologne/Bonn this year. Of course, the winner also received a trophy and a prize to celebrate her great performance.