IT Ausbildung+
- Employer branding for the IT sector
The shortage of skilled workers poses enormous challenges for companies, especially in the IT sector. Companies that invest in their future IT specialists today will secure a decisive competitive advantage in the long term.

What do prospective IT specialists expect from their apprenticeship?
The profession of IT specialist places high demands that go far beyond technical skills. In addition to technical know-how, soft skills such as strong communication and consulting skills as well as experience in project management are essential. These qualifications are no longer optional - the professional world requires them.
Challenges and opportunities in training
Future-oriented training forms the basis for success. Companies that comprehensively prepare their junior staff for the final examination and their future tasks are making a long-term investment in their own success. The demands are high, but the opportunities are just as great:
Good training increases the competence of employees and positions the company as an attractive employer..

What can companies do?
Design modern training plans
The classic framework plan alone is no longer enough. Adaptations to current requirements and company-specific content make all the difference.Promote soft skills and project management at an early stage
Communication, teamwork and project management should be an integral part of training to prepare future IT specialists for their day-to-day work.Living employer branding
Talented people choose companies that offer real development opportunities and support their employees beyond their training.Create training that attracts, promotes and retains employees in the long term
- together against the shortage of skilled workers.

Dual education program
Take advantage of our training cooperation:
DXC Technology offers training companies the opportunity to train prospective IT specialists in a practical and efficient manner.

In cooperation with vocational schools, we accompany your junior staff on their way to becoming digital experts - individually, demand-oriented and cost-efficiently. Become part of a Germany-wide network of companies that uses synergies and invests in the specialists of tomorrow!

Dual education programme
Demand-oriented and practical for companies, attractive for trainees

Our Team

Barbara Gerlach
Project leader dual education rhein-main
Um klar zu sehen, genügt oft ein Wechsel der Blickrichtung.
~Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Natascha Martin
Project leader dual education hamburg
Niemand weiß was er kann, bis er es probiert hat.
~Publilius Syrus

Anton Schimmelpfennig
Projektleitung Duale Ausbildung Köln/Bonn
Managed Training Services
Das Leben ist wie Radfahren. Um das Gleichgewicht zu halten, muss man in Bewegung bleiben.
~Albert Einstein