Titelbild IPMA®

Project management IPMA®

Certification according to the international standard of the International Project Management Association

What is IPMA?

IPMA is a federation consisting of a network of about 70 member associations. The member associations develop project management skills in their geographical areas of influence, interact with and develop relationships with professionals, businesses, government agencies, universities and colleges, training organizations and consulting firms.

A comprehensive portfolio of products and services supports the development of project management skills.

IPMA is the world's first project management association, founded in 1965. Originally founded as an international network for the exchange of project management experience, the organization developed into a global organization in the 1970s, organizing courses and events. In 1996, the organization was renamed IPMA (International Project Management Association) and began certification.


Who is GPM?

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagement e. V. is the German professional and trade association for project management. Founded in 1979 as a non-profit association, its statutory task is the promotion of project management, in particular training and further education as well as research and information in this field. Die GPM is the German representative in the International Project Management Association (IPMA).

The primary statutory goal of GPM is to promote, further develop, systematize and standardize the application of project management in Germany and to disseminate it further.

With currently over 6,000 members from all areas of business, universities and the public sector as well as a large group of interested parties, GPM has become the driving force for the systematic further development of project management in Germany.

In their Work

  • GPM brings together project managers from business, universities and public administrations and thus combines theory and practice,
  • GPM creates the platform for interdisciplinary exchange of information and experiences,
  • GPM promotes the development of methodological expertise and its connection with the entrepreneurial and human environment.

titleimage We get you fit!

We get you fit!

Authorized training partner of GPM

The DXC Academy as training partner of GPM accompanies you and your employees if you want to be certified according to the GPM/IPMA competence model.

Our training courses help you to deepen your theoretical and practical knowledge, to identify possible gaps in your knowledge and to close them quickly in order to reach your goal - the certificate - safely and quickly.

The DXC Academy has successfully certified over 3,500 people since 2001 - with a positive certification rate of over 98%.

For over 10 years, our trainers have been regularly recognized as Benchmark Trainers by the GPM.

Authorized Trainingpartner - GPM
Hintergrund Team Card
Udo Höllebrand

Udo Höllebrand

Authorized Training Partner (ATP)
Hintergrund Team Card
Axel Smyk

Axel Smyk

Quality manager (QB)
titleimage certification

Why a Certification?

Competence for action
An increasingly fast-moving and complex project world requires people
working on projects to have the ability to act at a professional level.

The certification according to IPMA standard based on the ICB 4 ICB 4 (Individual Competence Baseline)
Orientation and the necessary perspective.

Competitive advantage
As an organization and private individual, you benefit from a certification on the job market,
especially in the acquisition and processing of project orders.

Competence advantage
A certification by the Gesellschaft für Projektmanagement (GPM)
is your personal project management proof of competence from a neutral party.
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The GPM competency model

Five-Step Career Model for Project Management

The GPM Competence Model is a five-stage career model for project management that focuses on people as a success factor for projects. The model focuses on continuous development in project management competence and offers for every target group, from beginners to project experts, the right start.
IPMA® Kompetenzmodell


You have a specific training need, would like coaching or workshop facilitation support - contact us!

Basic Certificate
Get an initial overview of project management

Beginners in project management, students, trainees, pupils and vocational school students
  • Understanding the language of project management
  • Get to know methods
  • Organize your own cooperation effectively
GPM basic certificate in project management
IPMA® Level Basic Competence Model

IPMA® Level D
deepen knowledge and master methods

Work package managers, students, trainees, experienced professionals
  • Know communication and teamwork
  • Apply project management methods with confidence
Title of certificate:
IPMA® Level D – Certified Project Management Associate
IPMA® Level D Competence Model

IPMA® Level C
Independent project management

Project lead, project manager, sub-project lead, manager for PMO, manager for project controlling, manager for quality management
Proven at least 3 years experience in a project management role of moderately complex or Sub-project management role of complex projects.
  • Planning and managing projects successfully
  • Understanding and using project design as an approach
  • Master agile, classic and hybrid project management approaches
Title of certificate:
IPMA® Level C – Certified Project Manager
IPMA® Level C Competence Model

IPMA® Level B
Leadership in complex projects

Project lead
At least five years of experience in project management, of which at least three in complex projects
  • Strategy implementation through projects
  • Leadership skills in projects
  • Master agile, classic and hybrid project management approaches
Title of certificate:
IPMA® Level B – Certified Senior Project Manager
IPMA® Level B Competence Model

IPMA® Level A
managing strategic projects in highly complex environments

Management of major strategic projects, executives of project-based organizations
At least five years of experience in project management of highly complex projects, of which at least three on a strategic level
  • Shaping projects through strategies
  • Strategic management of project-oriented organizations
  • Interaction of project, program and portfolio management
  • Leadership skills in projects
  • Leading of project leaders
  • Corporate responsibility
Title of certificate:
IPMA® Level A – Certified Project Director
IPMA® Level A Competence Model
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Our Team

Hintergrund Team Card
Axel Smyk

Axel Smyk

Trainer & Coach

Es gibt nichts Gutes, außer man tut es!

~Erich Kästner

Hintergrund Team Card
Udo Höllebrand

Udo Höllebrand

Trainer & Coach

Der Kluge lernt aus allem und von jedem, der Normale aus seinen Erfahrungen und der Dumme weiß alles besser.


Hintergrund Team Card
Markus Rücker

Markus Rücker

Trainer & Coach

Der Kluge lernt aus allem und von jedem, der Normale aus seinen Erfahrungen und der Dumme weiß alles besser.
