Titleimage Business Analysis

Business Analysis

From decision to content

In a fast-changing environment, present-day companies aim to use the most suitable products at the right time as their key to success lies.

Business analysis and information technology are gaining importance in this digitised and more volatile environment, where decisions have to be made faster.

What is business analysis?

Traditional companies have been acquainted with the role and function of the business analyst as a communicator between business departments and IT departments for a long time.

The International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA) have established Best Practices for business analysis. For years, the Best Practices have provided a methodology that encompass the changes of companies in a traditional or agile environment.

The purpose is to develop a shared understanding of a problem/ opportunity and the solution successively and sustainably to boost the benefits for stakeholders.


What are the benefits of business analysis?

Standardised terms and concepts are used at a strategic and tactical application level. With this, participants are able make better decisions together, thus sharing responsibility.

Business Analysis - layer
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Offer for beginners

Basic training for IT business analysts and product owners

Our basic training introduces terms, tools, and mindset of business analysis in a traditional, IT-influenced project environment.

Business analysis bridges the gap between the agile environment and general product development using established methods and tools.

The certification includes either a 5-day project simulation or is based on a real-life project of the participants.

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Offer for advanced users

Strategic product responsibility in traditional companies

Taking responsibility for a product’s application success requires sufficient insight into corporate strategies and optimal collaboration with stakeholders and the development team.

In our advanced modules, we teach the principles critical to success in the practical application of methodical and active cooperation.


You have a specific training need, would like coaching or workshop facilitation support - contact us!

titleimage Our Team

Our Team

Hintergrund Team Card
Anton Müller

Anton Müller

Trainer & Coach

Ein Optimist sieht eine Gelegenheit in jeder Schwierigkeit; ein Pessimist eine Schwierigkeit in jeder Gelegenheit.

~Winston Churchill

Hintergrund Team Card
Selina Rettner

Selina Rettner

Head of DXC Academy

Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.

~Malcolm Forbes

Hintergrund Team Card
Marie Pötter

Marie Pötter

Head of DXC Academy

If you stop getting better, you stop being good.

~Philip Rosenthal

Hintergrund Team Card
Nathalie Schulz

Nathalie Schulz

Trainerin & Coach

Probleme kann man niemals mit derselben Denkweise lösen, durch die sie entstanden sind.

~Albert Einstein

Hintergrund Team Card
Markus Rücker

Markus Rücker

Trainer & Coach

Der Kluge lernt aus allem und von jedem, der Normale aus seinen Erfahrungen und der Dumme weiß alles besser.
